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This internet site and our newsletter were created by the FRAPAN-Invest Corp for information purposes only. The site and newsletter are not designed to serve as the basis of an investment decision. They should not form the subject of a contract and parties signing a contract should not rely on the contained information. As far as is legally permissible, the reader of the website or newsletter exempts the FRAPAN-Invest Corp, its managers, employees, advisers and partners from all responsibility for eventual disadvantages in connection with an effected investment. Neither the FRAPAN-Invest Corp nor its managers, employees, advisers and partners undertake any promise or guarantee, whether explicit or implicit, concerning the accuracy, suitability or completeness of the information on this internet site and in our newsletter. The site and newsletter present certain statements, estimations and forecasts about the expected future development of investments/investment objects and the general parameters of an investment. They accordingly contain fundamental elements of a subjective evaluation and analysis. It cannot be guaranteed that such statements, estimations and forecasts will be attained, and actual results can deviate considerably from predicted or projected values. Neither the FRAPAN-Invest Corp nor its managers, employees, advisers and partners undertake any commitment to updating a statement, estimation or forecast with regard to new information, future results or other circumstances. This website and newsletter were created to support interested parties in their own analysis and evaluation and do not purport to contain all the information which a potential investor requires for a complete analysis and evaluation. Interested parties should conduct their own independent investigations and assessments concerning the described investment opportunities and should only rely on the results of these. All enquiries regarding the described investments/investment objects may only be directed to the persons named on this internet site or in the newsletter. The information within the site and newsletter is to be treated confidentially and cannot be passed on to a third party. The contents of the site and newsletter (or parts thereof) can only be duplicated with the express consent of the FRAPAN-Invest Corp. The FRAPAN-Invest Corp reserves the right to change the terms and conditions described in the website and newsletter at any time. The site and newsletter do not constitute an offer to conclude a deal.

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