Author: Klaus Happ

What can Panama do better?

  • Panama, like so many other emerging nations, has no lasting rubbish and recycling system. There is no garbage separation and trash finds its way to unfiltered tips.
  • The education system for the population at large needs to be improved. There are of course great numbers of state schools in Panama, but the quality of these compares badly to the private, international schools which are also found here.
  • The difference between Panama City as a modern metropolis and the rest of the country is significant in terms of income, education and infrastructure
  • While corruption is being fought on a broad scale, the country hasn`t yet reached the standards of industrial nations. The Varelas government, which has been in power since 2014, is striving to improve the situation. It still has a lot of work to do however.
  • After the Panama Papers, the government signed an OECD agreement in October 2016. This allows for the future exchange of international financial data. Further steps leading to more transparency should also ensue.
  • Despite Panama City`s first metro links, there are still a lot of traffic jams on the roads. Car ownership is part of the general culture and often leads to far too many vehicles placing a burden on the transport network. This will hopefully soon improve through additional metro links, the introduction of modern buses and the construction of bus lanes.



Klaus Happ’s company “FRAPAN-Invest” advises investors who want to invest in real estate in Panama. Furthermore, Klaus Happ will be happy to advise you personally on the subject of “Plan B in Panama”.

The real estate market in Panama is internationally one of the most interesting for investments. We would like to be your trusted local partner and assist you with the initial purchase. Additionally, we can take care of your real estate in Panama in a sustainable way.

Profitable, safe and beautiful:
Investments in Panama

The reasons for Panama`s huge economic growth

The Washington Times reports on the reasons for Panama`s enormous growth (8.5% per year since 2002).

You can find the report here:hierWashington Times-Bericht.

What effect will Trump have on Panama?

This question is just as difficult to answer as the one relating to the influence of his politics on the entire world…

I would, however, like to provide you with some interesting information:

  • Donald Trump has his roots in the real estate sector and opened his first hotel outside of the USA in Panama in 2011. He was present at the opening ceremony and was especially taken with Panama itself.
  • As President of the USA he is now trying to strengthen the economy at home, specifically the US oil and energy markets in the field of liquid natural gas. That means positive news for Panama, as the recently extended Panama Canal can now for the first time handle the huge tankers necessary for this business. For the US energy companies it brings a time and cost saving of over 30% on the way to their biggest customers in Asia. For Panama it brings a further source of income. On the following link you can find a very informative Bloomberg report (simply click).
  • President Trump would like to economically burden those nations with whom the US has a trade deficit. The USA has, in fact, a trading surplus with Panama, so the country is not on the radar here.
  • When it was announced that Donald Trump would be the USA`s next President, the website of the citizenship office in Canada crashed. We have noticed something similar in Panama. Institutions which help foreigners to settle in Panama have undergone a wave of demand from the US. This serves to bring affluent people to Panama who wish to live in the country and can do the economy some good.
  • Can there also be a negative influence on Panama through the new President? Yes, of course. At the moment the matter remains open, as it does all over the world.


Klaus Happ’s company “FRAPAN-Invest” advises investors who want to invest in real estate in Panama. Furthermore, Klaus Happ will be happy to advise you personally on the subject of “Plan B in Panama”.

The real estate market in Panama is internationally one of the most interesting for investments. We would like to be your trusted local partner and assist you with the initial purchase. Additionally, we can take care of your real estate in Panama in a sustainable way.

Profitable, safe and beautiful:
Investments in Panama

100 million dollar contract with US company Del Monte

At the beginning of 2017 Panama`s government approved a 100 million US dollar contract with the American firm Del Monte concerning banana production.

This will create thousands of new jobs and further economic growth in the already flourishing region of our Boca Brava island project.

Good news, of course, for our plans.

Panama report from the Oxford Business Group

The Oxford Business Group reports on Panama`s economic situation 2016/2017.

Click here for the report


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