Author: Klaus Happ

Taxes in Panama

In Germany, you sometimes get the impression through the media that you don’t have to pay taxes in Panama…this is wrong. Panama has a progressive tax system in which tax rates and rules are clearly defined. Generally you can say that the taxes in Panama are lower and easier to understand for investors, entrepreneurs and citizens compared to Germany. And the tax system in Panama has a positive feature.

Panama has a territorial tax system, which basically means that Panama only taxes the income that is earned within Panama’s borders. For companies and investors resident in Panama, this means that foreign income is taxable in the other country, but not in Panama. This is a significant difference to the German tax system, where you also have to pay tax on foreign income.

Here is a brief overview of the tax rates in Panama (as of 10.2022):

  • Corporate tax 25% (small and medium-sized companies have lower tax rates / multinationals negotiate their own tax rates)
  • Income tax ( salary, rent, etc.), progressive
    • 0 – 11 TUSD annual income: 0%
    • 11- 50 TUSD annual income: 15%.
    • > 50 TUSD annual income: 25%.
  • Capital Gain tax 10%
  • Interest income is tax-free
  • Inheritance tax does not exist in Panama
  • Real estate sales tax: 2% on the sales value
  • Property tax (valid from 2019, based on real estate value, valid for investors):
    • up to 30.000 USD / exempt
    • 30,000 – 250,000 USD / 0.6% p.a.
    • 250,000 – 500,000 USD / 0.8% p.a.
    • over 500,000 USD / 1.0% p.a.
  • Value added tax 7%

Especially in the field of property tax in Panama there are many (mostly very positive) exemptions to the above mentioned rules. For example, real estate completed before 31.12.2011 is usually exempt from property tax in Panama for 20 years. Furthermore, the “first real estate” that you occupy is tax-exempt up to 120,000 USD real estate value. And there are very special tax benefits for investments in the UNESCO old town “Casco Viejo in Panama, such as a 10-year exemption from taxation of rental income.

The beautiful Panama doesn’t make everything perfect, but it tries with its own resources to attract investors and people to the country.

As we are no tax advisors, we are not responsible for the accuracy of the information and you should consult a tax advisor. We would like to give you a good overview and are available to answer your questions with our team of specialists.


Klaus Happ’s company “FRAPAN-Invest” advises investors who want to invest in real estate in Panama. Furthermore, Klaus Happ will be happy to advise you personally on the subject of “Plan B in Panama”.

The real estate market in Panama is internationally one of the most interesting for investments. We would like to be your trusted local partner and assist you with the initial purchase. Additionally, we can take care of your real estate in Panama in a sustainable way.

Profitable, safe and beautiful:
Investments in Panama

Pope in Panama

In January the World Youth Day with the Pope took place in Panama. 300,000 visitors celebrated the Christian festival with the Catholic population. Panama invested about 50 million USD in the organization of the event. Economists expect a positive impact of an additional 1.5% GDP growth for 2019 through direct revenues and the international awareness of the country, which among other things supports tourism.

This should also have a positive effect on the real estate market in Panama, so that investments in real estate in Panama are still very interesting. The real estate prices in Panama are cheap in international comparison, because in best location the real estate prices in Panama City are about 2,500 USD / sqm and the rents about 15 USD / sqm.



Klaus Happ’s company “FRAPAN-Invest” advises investors who want to invest in real estate in Panama. Furthermore, Klaus Happ will be happy to advise you personally on the subject of “Plan B in Panama”.

The real estate market in Panama is internationally one of the most interesting for investments. We would like to be your trusted local partner and assist you with the initial purchase. Additionally, we can take care of your real estate in Panama in a sustainable way.

Profitable, safe and beautiful:
Investments in Panama

China’s President Jinping visited Panama

China’s President Jinping visited Panama in December to discuss economic agreements with the government. China has chosen Panama as the country in Latin America to continue its policy of the Silk Road. Panama’s geographical location makes it an ideal partner for a free trade agreement, investments in infrastructure and tourism. Further information on the infrastructure projects (Link).Infrastructure projects are good for the economy, create jobs, improve the quality of life and are important elements for the attractiveness of the investment location and the real estate in Panama.

Infrastructure projects are good for the economy, create jobs, improve the quality of life and are important elements for the attractiveness of real estate market in Panama.

With the establishment of diplomatic relations between Panama and China in 2017, Chinese real estate investors will now also receive a visa for Panama for the first time and will find attractive real estate prices in Panama. In prime locations, property prices in Panama City are approx. 2,500 USD / sqm and rents are approx. 15 USD / sqm.



Klaus Happ’s company “FRAPAN-Invest” advises investors who want to invest in real estate in Panama. Furthermore, Klaus Happ will be happy to advise you personally on the subject of “Plan B in Panama”.

The real estate market in Panama is internationally one of the most interesting for investments. We would like to be your trusted local partner and assist you with the initial purchase. Additionally, we can take care of your real estate in Panama in a sustainable way.

Profitable, safe and beautiful:
Investments in Panama

Copper mine in Panama

The largest new copper deposit in the world was found in Panama and the copper mine will go into operation in 2019. This will have a positive impact on the real estate market in Panama. Panama’s economy is dominated by the service sector, which accounts for about 77% of the economy. Now the raw materials sector has been added as an important new component, giving the booming economy further momentum and diversifying it.

After the largest new copper deposit in the world was found in Panama years ago, the copper mine will go into partial operation in 2019 and be fully operational in the following year. The mine is a $6.5 billion project managed by Minera Panama, a subsidiary of First Quantum Minerals Ltd, Canada. The mine is located 120km west of Panama City in a lonely area on the Caribbean side of Panama where 11,000 (7,500 Panameños) people are currently employed. Once fully operational, the mine will, according to experts, be one of the largest copper mines in the world and one of Panama’s largest export sources. As a result, the mining business will be Panama’s fastest-growing industry, representing approximately 5% of Panama’s GDP. The homepage of Minera Panama and its presentation give a deeper insight into this megaproject.

Copper Mine

The copper mine will have a positive influence on many economic sectors (infrastructure, trade, construction, etc.). The real estate market in Panama will also benefit from this, as this new economic activity will bring new manpower and demand for housing. Many of the copper mine employees live and rent their homes in Panama in the nearby beach area of Coronado. This is located on the Pacific side (i.e. on the other side of the narrow country) and is about an hour’s drive from Panama City. Investors of us buy profitable and beautiful beach apartments in Coronado (Link) and generate rental income from short and long term rentals.

No matter whether you want to use your apartment in Coronado yourself or as an investment property, we are happy to help you with your real estate in Panama. The real estate prices in Panama are still relatively cheap, because in prime locations you buy real estate in Panama for about 2,500 USD / sqm and rent for about 15 USD / sqm.



Klaus Happ’s company “FRAPAN-Invest” advises investors who want to invest in real estate in Panama. Furthermore, Klaus Happ will be happy to advise you personally on the subject of “Plan B in Panama”.

The real estate market in Panama is internationally one of the most interesting for investments. We would like to be your trusted local partner and assist you with the initial purchase. Additionally, we can take care of your real estate in Panama in a sustainable way.

Profitable, safe and beautiful:
Investments in Panama

Real Estate Market Report Panama 2018 / 2019

This “Real Estate Market Report Panama” gives an overview about the development of the last years and describes the current situation. In 2010 I started to focus on the real estate market in Panama and then in 2013 I made my first real estate purchase. After years of research and network building in Panama, my own real estate company “FRAPAN-Invest” started operations in April 2017 and at the beginning of 2018 we started together with “arsago Real Estate” to build up a real estate portfolio (link). In the meantime, we have successfully completed various property purchases and also manage the properties.

To understand Panama and the real estate market in particular, I start with the main events in Panama in the last century:

  • 1903 / Panama declares itself independent of Greater Colombia with the help of the USA. At the same time Panama adopts the USD as its currency and the construction of the Panama Canal by the USA begins
  • 1914 / Completion of the Panama Canal

The basis for a solid and sustainable economy was set by the introduction of the USD and the construction of the Panama Canal.

  • 1977 / US President Carter and Panama General Torrijos agree that the Panama Canal and the entire Canal Zone will revert to Panamanian sovereignty and control
  • 1989 / The USA deprived dictator Noriega of power and Panama decided in the referendum to surrender its own military and to place itself from now on under the protection of the USA
  • 2000 / The USA hand over the Panama Canal to Panama and all associated rights and assets

Panama was established in 1903. However, the country was “reborn” after the takeover of the Panama Canal on New Year’s Eve 1999 / 2000. Because now the country was additionally entitled to the income from the Panama Canal and the new opportunities resulting from it. In the first three years, investors still held back, because they wanted to wait for the development of the “new” Panama.

Kanal historisch

Panama already had a considerable skyline before. But starting in 2003, a real estate and construction boom began, as a result of which a large part of today’s known skyline Panama City was created.

  • Early 2000s / Establishment of the Real Estate Tax Law, which states that all properties completed by 31.12.2011 remain exempt from property tax for 20 years
  • 2003 – 2008 / Construction boom and massive rise in real estate prices. Real estate investors from North and South America invest in Panama. Increase in prime locations (Panama City, apartment, ocean front) up to 3,000 USD / sqm
  • 2008 – 2011 / Decline in real estate prices due to the international financial crisis and the oversupply of real estate to prices in the low of approx. 2,300 USD / sqm for prime locations. Due to the conservative business policy, Panama’s banks will not experience a crisis during the financial crisis, as they are not invested in “US subprime”.
  • 2012 – 2016 / Recovery of real estate prices to 2,700 USD / sqm in 1A locations.
    April 2016 / The scandal of the “Panama Papers” shakes the country’s reputation and arrests it with prejudice. Although the “Panama Papers” do not have a major impact on economic growth (IMF forecast remains at around 6% p.a. for the next few years), real estate investors are holding back for the time being
  • 2016 – today / Due to the Panama Papers and the completion of major real estate projects, prices tend to move sideways or slightly lower (currently approx. USD 2,300-2,500 / sqm). At the same time, banks are now also more restrictive in granting loans and opening accounts for foreigners, also in order to no longer appear on the OECD and EU blacklists

For real estate buyers and to build up our real estate portfolio, we currently find a buyer’s market in Panama which, with the right strategy, delivers very interesting yield figures. While most real estate locations in the world have to struggle with very high purchase prices and correspondingly weak rental yields, we buy in ocean front prime locations at approx. 2,300 – 2,500 USD / sqm and rent at approx. 15 USD / sqm. This enables us to achieve rental yields of approx. 7% (net approx. 5%) in USD in the fastest growing country in the western world.

Property developers are currently going through a challenging phase in Panama, as they are facing a weaker market with the completion of their projects. We are not currently buying from property developers, but are buying finished properties in attractive locations at lucrative prices. We select the locations and properties in which the employees of multinational corporations and international organizations are expected to rent and live. Panama City is the headquarters of 250 multinational corporations, half of which have their operational headquarters for Central and South America in Panama (Nestle, Roche, Adidas, Bayer, Total, P&G, etc). The third largest United Nations headquarters in the world is in Panama. It is from here that they manage their activities in Central and South America. These are our target tenants and also the current tenants of the purchased properties.

Casco Viejo

Rental prices have come back slightly in the last two years, but with approx. 15 USD / sqm in the prime locations are still very attractive. In Panama, people are waiting for new government-driven projects that will boost the economy, bring people to Panama and have a positive impact on the rental market. In Panama, the 5-year presidential elections will take place next year. Currently we are in the pre-election year, which historically is always a relatively weak economic year, as new projects are put on hold until the new government. This is how Latin America works…The IMF forecasts GDP growth for 2018 at “only” 4.6% after a 4-week strike by the construction union in May. According to the IMF, this will be made up in 2019 with growth of 6.8% and in the following years between 5.5% and 6%.

After diplomatic relations with China (Link) were closed in 2017, China is investing heavily in infrastructure in Panama. China has appointed Panama as its location for its silk road project due to its geographical location within Latin America and Air China has been flying to Panama twice a week since March 2018. What does this have to do with the real estate market? Because the Chinese are now allowed to travel to Panama with visa facilitation, they are now also acting as real estate buyers and through the infrastructure projects there are new jobs, which in turn generates rental demand.

Basically, Panama’s economy has to struggle with the following problems:

  • Poor education system of the population
  • Corruption
  • Reputation as a tax haven, although Panama is no longer on the EU or OECD blacklist (Link)

Furthermore, a widening trade war between the US and China would affect the profitability of the Panama Canal.

Nevertheless, Panama’s economy is currently growing faster than most of the rest of the world and according to IMF forecasts, and the Panama Canal has closed the fiscal year with a record year (Link). These are important elements for the attractiveness of the investment location and the real estate in Panama.



Klaus Happ’s company “FRAPAN-Invest” advises investors who want to invest in real estate in Panama. Furthermore, Klaus Happ will be happy to advise you personally on the subject of “Plan B in Panama”.

The real estate market in Panama is internationally one of the most interesting for investments. We would like to be your trusted local partner and assist you with the initial purchase. Additionally, we can take care of your real estate in Panama in a sustainable way.

Profitable, safe and beautiful:
Investments in Panama

Major infrastructure projects in Panama

Panama’s economy has always benefited from major infrastructure investments. In 2019, the airport terminal 2, metro line 2, the third bridge over the Panama Canal, the new cruise port and the congress centre will be completed. And a new giant project is just about to start construction.
Photo © Autoridad del Canal de Panamá (ACP)

At the beginning of 2019, several major infrastructure projects will be completed in Panama.

  • After the inauguration of the first metro line in Central America in Panama City in 2014,
    Metro Line 2 is now close to completion. This will expand the public transport network and hopefully reduce the city’s major traffic problem a little.
  • The modern Terminal 2 of the international airport in Panama City should be opened in the first quarter of 2019. The airport is currently working well beyond its capacity limits and urgently needs the new terminal. With over 80 direct connections, Panama flies directly to far more destinations than any other airport in Central and South America.
  • After a construction period of five years, the third bridge over the Panama Canal will be completed at the beginning of 2019. This bridge was built on the side of the Atlantic Ocean and is part of a major infrastructure plan by the government to develop the Caribbean side of Panama (85% of life in Panama is on the Pacific side).


  • The cruise terminal in Panama City on the Pacific coast will be completed by mid-2019. Until now, cruise ships could only dock on the Caribbean side of Panama (city of Colon). Now thousands of cruise tourists will be able to arrive or depart directly from Panama City. This will promote tourism in Panama, which is still in its very early stages, and increase the low hotel occupancy rate in the city.
  • With the visit of the Pope and the World Youth Day in Panama at the beginning of 2019, the new congress centre, which will be the largest in Central America, will also be opened. The project with construction costs of approx. 200 million USD will bring more trade fairs, companies and tourists to Panama.

Construction of the fourth bridge over the Panama Canal will start in 2019. This bridge will be built in Panama City and will completely change the traffic situation of the city. In addition to cars and pedestrians, this bridge will also bring the new Metro Line 3 across the Panama Canal, connecting the hundreds of thousands of inhabitants of the suburbs with Panama City. This billion USD project is divided into the construction of the bridge (Chinese consortium), the metro line and the purchase of the metro trains (Hitachi). Completion is scheduled for 2022.

The infrastructure projects mentioned are good for the economy, create jobs, improve the quality of life and are important elements for the attractiveness of the investment location and the real estate in Panama.



Klaus Happ’s company “FRAPAN-Invest” advises investors who want to invest in real estate in Panama. Furthermore, Klaus Happ will be happy to advise you personally on the subject of “Plan B in Panama”.

The real estate market in Panama is internationally one of the most interesting for investments. We would like to be your trusted local partner and assist you with the initial purchase. Additionally, we can take care of your real estate in Panama in a sustainable way.

Profitable, safe and beautiful:
Investments in Panama

Record year for Panama Canal

The Panama Canal closed the 2018 fiscal year with a historic tonnage record, an increase of 9.5% over the previous year. This significantly exceeded the original forecasts for 2018. The revenues from the Panama Canal and the national currency, the USD, make the big difference between Panama and most other emerging market countries in terms of a country’s economic stability.

The expansion of the Panama Canal, which was completed in 2016, is paying off. The increase was driven in particular by liquid gas tankers (LNG & LPG), container ships, chemical tankers and vehicle transporters. LNG tankers could hardly use the original Panama Canal due to the draught of the ships. The following overview shows the sub-segments in the time before the extension of the canal (Panamax) and currently (Neopanamax).

Panama Canal Business Segments

62.8 percent of the cargo that crosses the canal comes from the United States or is destined for the United States. The main countries using the interoceanic route were: United States, China, Mexico, Chile and Japan. Panama is benefiting from economic growth in the USA. At the same time, however, Panama would also suffer from an intensified trade war between the USA and China.

The income from the Panama Canal is between USD 2 – 2.5 billion annually, which is a stable and high income for a small country like Panama with 4 million inhabitants. The country’s national debt, measured as a percentage of GDP, is around 39%, partly because of the revenues from the Panama Canal. This is low by international standards (EU 81%, USA 108%, Japan 235%).

The booming Panama Canal is an important component of the economy and promotes prosperity and the growing infrastructure in the country. These are important elements for the attractiveness of the investment location and the real estate in Panama.



Klaus Happ’s company “FRAPAN-Invest” advises investors who want to invest in real estate in Panama. Furthermore, Klaus Happ will be happy to advise you personally on the subject of “Plan B in Panama”.

The real estate market in Panama is internationally one of the most interesting for investments. We would like to be your trusted local partner and assist you with the initial purchase. Additionally, we can take care of your real estate in Panama in a sustainable way.

Profitable, safe and beautiful:
Investments in Panama

Beach Apartments in Panama

If you are looking for a relaxing apartment at the beach with good infrastructure near the metropolis Panama City, Coronado is the place to be. Only one hour away from Panama City is Panama’s biggest and most developed beach area. On the beautiful beaches of Coronado you will find all necessary facilities of daily life like restaurants, supermarkets, nightlife and medical care. This makes you independent of the metropolis of Panama City, but still close enough to be able to dive into city life at any time.

The beach community Coronado originates in the 1970s. At that time, one of Panama’s wealthiest families built the first golf club in the area and in the following years expanded it to include a beach club. As a result, the first weekend homes in Coronado were built by families who live in Panama City but like to spend the weekend in their properties on the beach in Panama. As a result, there were the first restaurants, supermarkets, etc. in the area.

However, the real construction boom started in 2008, when one of the big Panamanian property developers came up with the idea of building the first large residential complex with apartments in Coronado, which met with great demand from North Americans especially.

Coronado Pool

There are four large supermarkets, several bars, a cinema, one hospital and much more, so you don’t have to leave for Panama City. The mountain range of Panama with the popular mountain village “El Valle de Antón” and always springlike temperatures is only 45 minutes away by car. The area is one of the driest and most sunny in Panama, so it is bathing season on 10 months a year.

Coronado Beach

In the Coronado area, there are about 15 such large residential complexes, three of which went bankrupt and were taken over by others. We prefer only three of these properties because of their location, quality, price, leisure facilities (pools, sports activities, restaurant, etc) and beach. In the last few years, the property market in this area has been characterized by slightly declining prices, as too much has been built. For apartments on the beach in Panama in good locations and qualities you pay about 2,500 USD/sqm in this area, which corresponds to the prices in Panama City. Maximum prices were paid in 2012 at just over 3,000 USD / sqm.

Coronado Apartment

Unlike Panama City, renting by airbnb is allowed here, so you can rent out your apartment in Coronado at good yields. There is hardly any competition from hotels in this area with regard to rental. The rental period here is usually from the weekend up to six months. Tenants are people (locals and expats) who live in the city and spend their weekend and annual holidays here and tourists from Europe and North America. This area is particularly popular with North Americans, as flights to Panama from there are much cheaper than to the Caribbean. Furthermore, Panama is much cheaper and safer than most Caribbean countries.

No matter whether you want to use your apartment in Coronado yourself or as an investment property, we are happy to help you with your real estate in Panama.



Klaus Happ’s company “FRAPAN-Invest” advises investors who want to invest in real estate in Panama. Furthermore, Klaus Happ will be happy to advise you personally on the subject of “Plan B in Panama”.

The real estate market in Panama is internationally one of the most interesting for investments. We would like to be your trusted local partner and assist you with the initial purchase. Additionally, we can take care of your real estate in Panama in a sustainable way.

Profitable, safe and beautiful:
Investments in Panama

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